NPC: Atreides
Location: Tahraji Desert
Coordinates: 312, 38
A hawk trainer in the tents of Tahraji.

Speak the Words
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Due to multiple options when speaking, text below may not be in comprehensive order.
*You come upon a young man tending to some hawks, He is dressed all in protective leEL-DB.comather. He greets you without even looking up.* Hello stranger, what brings you here?
Who are you?
You can call me Atreides. *He closes a door on a cage with a hawk in it and finally looks up at you* Anything I can do for you?How did you know I was here?
Oh well the sands told me you were coming long before your arrival here. If you know how to listen, Izet allows the sands to tell you much of things around you.Well, what's with the hawks?
Ahh they are my pride and joy! I train them to hunt for me in the desert. I used to train them in the royal palace for Verue when he ruled in Matajin. Glorious birds they are, keen of sight, loyal, but also fierce.You're wearing leather in the desert?
*He smiles up at you* Yes, but it is not your ordinary leather armor. This is made by the tribes here in the Tahraji to breathe well, keep us cool and sustain our bodies during use in the open desert.Izet
Yes, our most revered god. It is he who saved my people, the Majini, when the gods fought and destroyed Matajin in one day consuming it with sand and water. All because of Vesepia's grave mistake. He lead us out into the desert to a sacred cave. For a time we were stuck there sealed in by Izet's powerful spell. But it was for our own protection.More
After a time when the war was over he came back and released us, even spoke to us all giving guidance. Never before had I seen a god act so with mortals. I will always serve Izet.
Wouldn't summoning them be easier?
Perhaps, and Selain is a most revered god here, but I find summoned beings to lose life too quickly over time. Plus, unless EL-DB.comyou are very good at your summoning, they don't always listen to your commands. At first they just seem to wander around....Verue? Matajin?
Matajin, ahh the beautiful city is no more. It's ruins lay to the north of here if you wish to see what little is left. Most of it is at the bottom of the sea... consumed in rage by Lucaa. She changed even where the coast of this vast land is, much of it taken back by her to grow coral or fish... who knows.More
Verue, well he was our king. No one has seen him for some years now though. He left with Vesepia after they spoke with Izet the day he released us from the cave. I know not of where they went or what they may be doing. Perhaps some errand for Izet himself!
What was Vesepia's mistake?
She was deceived by the dark elf Lann. He twisted her mind against Verue and Izet. In the end she mixed the bowls, whether in full or part she started the process and thus destroyed Matajin.Lann
Bah, I will not speak of that guttersnipe. Ask another.Bowls
In ancient times, more than 4,000 years ago, Izet and Selain helped our tribe, the Majini, to found Matajin. They created a deep magic over the city that allowed only them of all the gods to visit and influence the city. This allowed our tribe to rise and subdue the other tribes of the Tahraji.More
Vesepia said in her writings that Izet and Selain told her of this magic and that if the bowls that were held by Izet, Selain and Lucaa were mixed they would no longer have exclusive rights to the city. In a jealous rage inflamed by Lann's words, she mixed the first two bowls.