Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) at the end of Feb or start of March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6


About Ranging

Ranging, or archery, is the ability to attack from a distance, through the use of bows and crossbows.

It is considered the single most expensive skill to level in EL, and is therefore not recommended for lower level players.

Ranging requires equipping a bow and any type of arrow, or a crossbow and any type of bolt.

You can keep shooting until you run out of arrows or bolts in your inventory.

Needed Nexus

No Nexus are required for ranging, nor for using any ranging weapons.

Leveling Ranging

Leveling in this skill is done by successfully hitting a target using a bow or crossbow.

No God: The Ranging God Xiao does not have a priest in the game, and therefore cannot be worshipped for bonus experience.

Arenas: There are two ranging arenas, one on each continent. Because arenas are not schools, they do not provide bonus experience. They do, however, provide non-moving targets that can be used for more quickly leveling ranging.

Special Day: Day of Robin Tell provides double the normal ranging experience. A stone exists for players to start the day so it does occur relatively regularly.

Quests: There are no tutorial or daily Quests for ranging experience, but a few of the one-time quests provide some experience. As always, wait for Robin Tell day to finish these quests so you can get double bonus experience for them.

Ranging Arenas

To enter either arena, you must use an Archery Arena Ticket. These are sold for 3,500 by Nahark, the bookseller near the Grubani arena.

Grubani Peninsula Ranging Island
The south end of Ywarstav, use-with the Ticket on the small boat directly across from the island.
Irsis - Ranging Arena
The very northeast corner of Irsis is the cave entrance to the arena. Use-with the Ticket on a metal gate once inside.
For more advanced rangers: The lighting in this arena makes it difficult if not impossible for new rangers to use it. Newer rangers with low Perception cross attribute should stay in Grubani. Many will find a Night Visor useful here to increase their Perception.

The Details

How to Range

Equip your bow/crossbow, and an arrow/bolt. You should have a good stock of arrows/bolts in your inventory, as they disappear with each shot. You do not have to re-equip them after every shot, only when you run out of them.

Aim for your target, be it a creature, a player on a PK map, or a Target in a ranging arena. And shoot.

Your ability to hit the target depends on distance, lighting, and your ranging level. The further away you are, the higher the chance you may miss.

Bows/Crossbows, and even more so arrows and bolts, break very easily when physically attacked. Take care to make sure you're not wearing them in normal battle or remove your bow as quickly as possible if attacked.

WARNING! When you successfully hit a creature, that creature will try to attack you. Being distant helps, but if it comes at you, just moving away to another location, even walking right by the creature, will stop you from being attacked. There are places you can be on top of a wall or such where creatures can't attack you.

The Game Client

Ranging Stats: If you press the button at the bottom of the client with an arrow on it, you'll get your ranging stats for that session shown to you. You can keep track of what percent of your attacks are actually hitting the targets. If this is too low, you're standing too far away.

Ranging Lock: Press Alt+R to turn on Ranging Lock. This will prevent you from walking while your bow or crossbow is equipped, keeping you from accidentally moving while trying to hit a target. The lock will disengage with another Alt+R click, or if you are attacked.

Useful Items

Increased Critical Hits: You can purchase Potion of Archery AP from Tanta in Port Anitora for 15,000 each. These will permanently increase your critical hit chance by 1. You can drink a maximum of 60 of these, no more. They're expensive, so don't buy all 60 at once, and try to drink them on ReconstructionDay for a chance to not lose the potion when you drink it, saving money.

Stealth: Tunic of the Ninja will give you the Ninja perk listed below, and provides some additional camouflage.

Perception: A Night Visor will heavily increase your Perception cross attribute, allowing you to better see targets at night or in low-light internal places.

Ranging Perks

As always, wait until you know the skill well enough to decide if you want to spend valuable pickpoints on perks.

  1. Ethereal Ranger Perk - Each time you shoot, you have a 30% chance that your bow or bolt will not disappear, giving you more to shoot with for free.
  2. Ninja Perk - When invisible, there's an 80% chance you will not become visible when you attack someone by ranging. You normally always become visible when you attack. (You can save pickpoints by using the above-mentioned Tunic of the Ninja.)
  3. Sharp Shooter - You get an additional 25% perception when ranging, increasing your hit chance.
  4. Wilhelm Hood Perk - Ranging experience gets a 15% increase, more damage to the target, and increased accuracy of your bow or crossbow.

Bows / Crossbows

Bows require Arrows, Crossbows require Bolts.

Everything listed weighs 7 EMU, and has a light modifier of 3. No Human Nexus are required to equip.

Each can give 5-8 damage in melee, but break too easily to risk use that way.

Speed: The lower the number, the longer the minimum time between shots. The arrow/bolt type can also affect this speed.

Click the column names to select the order.

Avg Missile
Elven BowElven Bow12-1714.51027
Elven Bow of Wilhelm HoodElven Bow of Wilhelm Hood12-1714.51027Gives Wilhelm Hood Perk
Long BowLong Bow6-118.5223
Marksman's CrossbowMarksman's Crossbow14-1916.5820Gives Sharp Shooter Perk
Recurve BowRecurve Bow8-1310.5627
Short BowShort Bow3-85.5430
Short Bow of Ethereal RangerShort Bow of Ethereal Ranger3-85.5430Gives Ethereal Ranger Perk
Avg Missile

Arrows / Bolts

Accuracy is if wearing the item while in melee combat, Missile Accuracy is how well you aim.

Arrows and bolts break incredibly easy in melee combat.

Speed: The lower the number, the longer the minimum time between shots. The bow/crossbow type also affects this speed.
(Speed 0 = there's no delay, so only the bow/crossbow speed affects shot time.)

Click the column names to select the order.

Crossbow training boltsCrossbow training bolts1000030
Fire arrowsFire arrows215-25-10-1530+35 heat damage
Fire boltsFire bolts210-15-10-1530+10 heat damage
15% chance to do mana burn
Ice arrowsIce arrows20-25-15-1523+40 cold damage
Ice boltsIce bolts210-15-15-1530+10 cold damage
10% chance to cause cooldown
Magic arrowsMagic arrows230-2515-150+15 magic damage
Magic boltsMagic bolts210-1515-150+10 magic damage
7% chance to deplete mana
Pking arrowsPking arrows23001000
Pking boltsPking bolts125015033
Training arrowsTraining arrows2000033