Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) at the end of Feb or start of March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6


About Engineering

Engineering is the creation mines, arrows, wards, and astrology prediction items, as well some other random items.

It's a more advanced skill, and has a certain difficulty in leveling.

Needed Nexus

The lowest level items (Ashes, Rope, and Nail) require no nexus. Everything else does.

Artificial - You'll need anywhere from 1 to 7 Artificial Nexus for all other items.

Leveling Engineering

Leveling in this skill is done by mixing items.

God: You can get up to 20% additional experience while mixing if you worship LaForge, the engineering god.

Schools: There are engineering schools (listed below) where you can mix items and get double experience, though you get no mixed product, for speed leveling.

Special Day: Day of Alfred Nobel gives you double your normal engineering experience. Using a school on this day will give you 4x your normal experience. A stone exists for this day so players can start the day.

Special Day 2: Day of Schools is much more common since players can start it with a special stone. You can use an engineering school on this day to get 3x your normal experience.

Tutorial Quest: A tutorial Quest exists for Engineering, in which you mix almost every item in the skill from easiest to hardest for bonus experience.

Engineering Schools

Using a school will give you double the experience when you mix inside it. However, you will not get the item that you mixed. It's solely for experience, and can be costly. Only mix what you can afford to lose!

Tarsengaard - Academy of Science and Engineering
The very south of Tarsengaard, between the gargoyle cave and Orvimon Crypt.
Arius - Magic School - Engineering School
A room within the Arius Magic School.

All Mixable Items

Click the column names to select the order.

ItemRec LvlBase ExpArti
A/D IndicatorA/D Indicator22902
Accuracy predictorAccuracy predictor682302
Accuracy/Magic IndicatorAccuracy/Magic Indicator261152
Arrow/bolt headArrow/bolt head251053
Attack predictorAttack predictor601902
Criticals IndicatorCriticals Indicator241002
Defense predictorDefense predictor622002
Degrade predictorDegrade predictor742602
Failure predictorFailure predictor782802
Fire arrowsFire arrows3523002
Fire boltsFire bolts4328003
Harvest predictorHarvest predictor722502
Harvest/Degrade IndicatorHarvest/Degrade Indicator281302
High Explosive MineHigh Explosive Mine422204
Ice arrowsIce arrows3321002
Ice boltsIce bolts4530004
Invisibility Removal WardInvisibility Removal Ward543204
Magic arrowsMagic arrows3120002
Magic boltsMagic bolts4026003
Magic predictorMagic predictor702402
Make Rare predictorMake Rare predictor762702
Make Rare/Fail IndicatorMake Rare/Fail Indicator301502
Mana Burn WardMana Burn Ward482904
Mana Drain WardMana Drain Ward462604
Medium MineMedium Mine361854
MI Removal WardMI Removal Ward563404
Night VisorNight Visor5030007
Pear finderPear finder8250003
Pking arrowsPking arrows271152
Pking boltsPking bolts291202
Point DefensePoint Defense58504
Poisoned CaltropPoisoned Caltrop18651
RC MineRC Mine442404
RC Mine DetonatorRC Mine Detonator5230005
Small MineSmall Mine341704
To Damage predictorTo Damage predictor662202
To Hit predictorTo Hit predictor642102
Treasure finderTreasure finder8010003
ItemRec LvlBase ExpArti