Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
Client version 1.9.6
NPC: Grigore Ureche
Location: Emerald Valley Trade Route
Coordinates: 303, 248
Type: Bookseller
EVTR bookseller, specializing in books about Irilion rings and tailoring.
Sells 49 items
Anitora Ring Building | 3,000 |
Bethel Ring Building | 4,000 |
Book of Baggy Pants | 20,000 |
Book of Black Dye | 5,000 |
Book of Blue Dye | 5,000 |
Book of Boots Making | 20,000 |
Book of Buccaneer Hat | 14,000 |
Book of Doublets Making | 20,000 |
Book of Dresses | 20,000 |
Book of Fabric Dyeing | 5,000 |
Book of Fabric Weaving | 5,000 |
Book of Green Dye | 5,000 |
Book of Hood | 20,000 |
Book of Jackets Making | 20,000 |
Book of Mage Robes | 20,000 |
Book of No More Warlock | 20,000 |
Book of Orange Dye | 5,000 |
Book of Peasant Dress Making | 20,000 |
Book of Peasant Skirts Making | 20,000 |
Book of Purple Dye | 5,000 |
Book of Red Dye | 5,000 |
Book of Robe | 15,000 |
Book of Robe Skirts | 19,000 |
Book of Santa Hat | 20,000 |
Book of Scarves | 9,000 |
Book of Skirts | 20,000 |
Book of Tricorn Hat | 12,000 |
Book of Tunic | 20,000 |
Book of Tunic of the Ninja | 20,000 |
Book of Tunic/Shirt | 25,000 |
Book of Vests | 20,000 |
Book of Wedding Dress Making | 20,000 |
Book of Wedding Skirts Making | 20,000 |
Book of Wizard Hats Making | 20,000 |
Book of Yellow Dye | 5,000 |
Egratia Ring Building | 4,000 |
Emerald Valley Ring Building | 4,000 |
Glacmor Ring Building | 4,000 |
Hulda Ring Building | 4,000 |
Hurquin Ring Building | 4,000 |
Idaloran Ring Building | 4,000 |
Imbroglio Islands Ring Building | 4,000 |
Irinveron Ring Building | 4,000 |
Iscarlith Ring Building | 4,000 |
Isle of the Forgotten Ring Building | 4,000 |
Kusamura Ring Building | 4,000 |
Palon Vertas Ring Building | 4,000 |
Sedicolis Ring Building | 4,000 |
Trassian Ring Building | 4,000 |