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The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Attributes For Your Character

About Attributes

Attributes define your character's strengths, both physical and mental. There are 6 attributes, and a new characters starts at level 4 of each attribute.

The Maximum level possible for each attribute is 52.

What's really important are what are called Cross Attributes. Each of your Attributes affects 3 of the Cross Attributes.


Cross Attributes are what actually affect your character. Each Cross Attribute is increased by 2 pickpoints placed on either of the Attributes that affects it.

The value of the Cross Attribute is the integer total of the levels of the two attributes that affects it, divided by 2.

For Example: The Cross Attribute Might is affected by the Attributes Physique and Coordination. Placing 2 pickpoints on Physique, or 2 pickpoints on Coordination, or 1 pickpoint on each will increase Might by 1.

With that in mind, Cross Attributes will also max out at level 52.

This image shows how the Cross Attributes are affected by the Attributes.

Cross Attributes vs Attributes

Even Numbers Rule!

Because it takes 2 pickpoints to affect Cross Attributes, you'll always be getting the most bang for your pickpoints by keeping your Attributes at even numbers.

To Level an Attribute

Go to The Wraith on Isla Prima. Select the Attribute you want. Each Attribute costs 1 Pickpoint.

To Remove an Attribute

You can remove an Attribute, getting your pickpoint back, by using an Attribute Removal Stone. There is a stone for each Attribute type.

Attribute Removal Stones are found as rare items while harvesting, thus bought from players or their bots.

Each Attribute

Cross Attribute: Might Increases the total amount you can carry (Might*20 = total EMU), and increases damage you dole out during combat.
Cross Attribute: Matter Increases your maximum health, aka material points. (Matter*5 = total max health)
Cross Attribute: Toughness Reduces damage taken while in combat.
Cross Attribute: Might Increases the total amount you can carry (Might*20 = total EMU), and increases damage you dole out during combat.
Cross Attribute: Reaction Increases chance to avoid being hit during combat
Cross Attribute: Dexterity Increases the chance to succeed in a hit while in combat.
Cross Attribute: Perception Allows you to see creatures and players better at night or in dark insides, as well as increases your accuracy when ranging.
Cross Attribute: Rationality Increases experience, reduces research time for books, increases the strength of some spells, and determines your maximum available Action Points. (Rationality*20 = maximum Action Points)
Cross Attribute: Dexterity Increases the chance to succeed in a hit while in combat.
Cross Attribute: Matter Increases your maximum health, aka material points. (Matter*5 = total max health)
Cross Attribute: Rationality Increases experience, reduces research time for books, increases the strength of some spells, and determines your maximum available Action Points. (Rationality*20 = maximum Action Points)
Cross Attribute: Ethereality Determines your maximum mana, aka ethereal points. (Ethereality*8 = maximum mana)
Cross Attribute: Charm Increase the critical hit rate of your summoned creatures, and increases the chance of summoning 1 more creature than expected.
Cross Attribute: Reaction Increases chance to avoid being hit during combat
Cross Attribute: Perception Allows you to see creatures and players better at night or in dark insides, as well as increases your accuracy when ranging.
Cross Attribute: Toughness Reduces damage taken while in combat.
Cross Attribute: Charm Increase the critical hit rate of your summoned creatures, and increases the chance of summoning 1 more creature than expected.
Cross Attribute: Ethereality Determines your maximum mana, aka ethereal points. (Ethereality*8 = maximum mana)

Each Cross Attribute

Increases the total amount you can carry, and increases damage you dole out during combat.
EMU is Might * 20. Maximum Might is 52, so 52*20 = 1040 maximum EMU
There are no known calculations as to how much increased damage occurs.
Increase with Attributes Physique and Coordination.
Increases your maximum health, aka material points.
Maximum Health is Matter * 5. Maximum Matter is 52, so 52*5 = 260 maximum HP.
Increase with Attributes Physique and Will.
Reduces damage taken while in combat.
There are no known calculations as to how much reduction occurs.
Increase with Attributes Physique and Vitality.
Increase the critical hit rate of your summoned creatures, and increases the chance of summoning 1 more creature than expected.
The higher your Charm, the higher the chance of summoning an extra creature.
There are no known calculations as to how much of a critical hit rate occurs, or of the chance of summoning a bonus creature.
Increase with Attributes Instinct and Vitality.
Increases chance to avoid being hit during combat.
There are no known calculations as to how much of a chance of avoiding a hit occurs.
Increase with Attributes Coordination and Instinct.
Allows you to see creatures and players better at night or in dark insides, as well as increases your accuracy when ranging.
This has no effect during the daytime, or in very bright inside areas.
Having a relatively decent perception will help drastically in avoiding creatures that may attack you.
Increase with Attributes Reasoning and Instinct.
Increases experience, reduces research time for books, increases the strength of some spells, and determines your maximum available Action Points.
Action Points - Rationality * 20 = your maximum possible Action Points
Book Research - Rationality = the number of extra research points that will be reduced per minute of reading a book.
Harvesting Experience - Rationality = the number of extra experience points you get per harvest.
Mixing/Magic Experience - The integer of Rationality / 2 = the number of extra experience points you get per mix or per spell cast.
Attack/Defense Experience - The integer of Rationality / 3 = the number of extra attack of defense experience points you get per hit or per defense.
Ranging Experience - The integer of Rationality / 4 = the number of extra experience points you get on a successful hit while ranging.
Increase with Attributes Reasoning and Will.
Increases the chance to succeed in a hit while in combat.
There are no known calculations as to how much of a chance of succeeding with a hit occurs.
Increase with Attributes Coordination and Reasoning.
Determines your maximum mana, aka ethereal points.
Maximum mana is Ethereality * 8. Maximum Ethereality is 52, so 52*8 = 416 maximum mana
Increase with Attributes Will and Vitality.