Item: Invasionmeter
Base Info

Check to see how many invaders are on a (complete tab) map. 1/10 chance of losing the meter on use. Meters do not detect Invisible Rats.
Weight: 2 emu
Stackable: yes
Storage: magic
Server Description: Shows how many invaded monsters are in the map, and how strong they are. Chance of breaking 1/10 for each use.
Item ID / Image ID: 884 / 488
To Make
Skill: Engineering
Recommended Skill Level: 38
Base Experience: 220
Food Used Per Mix: 25
Required Knowledge: Book of Invasionmeter
Required Nexus: Artificial 4
MULTIPLE ITEMS: A single mix will produce 10 of this item.
Total Ingredient Weight: 12 emu
Total Final Product Weight: 20 emu
TAKE NOTE! For this mix, the produced product weighs more than the ings. Have free inventory space when mixing.