NPC: Lasud
Location: Isla Prima
Coordinates: 63, 136
Start NPC for Quests:
- Blast From the Past
A guide sent by Lord Luxin to assist new arrivals to Isla Prima.

Speak the Words
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Due to multiple options when speaking, text below may not be in comprehensive order.
Before you stands a young looking elf. Seeing EL-DB.comyou coming, she greets you with a warm voice:
"Hello, [player name]. Do you need any help?"
My name is Lasud, and I am a guide sent to welcome the new arrivals such as yourself.Guide
Yes, Lord Luxin of Whitestone sent me here. Recently we had a lot of new people spawniEL-DB.comng out of nowhere, which is quite odd. My job is to explain a little bit of our world.Where am I?
You are currently on Isla Prima.Isla Prima
Isla Prima is a small island South East of Seridia. It is used mainly as a trading outpost, and small port where cargo ship crews can rest in their long voyage. Being situated between Seridia and Irilion makes it a busy place.Seridia
Seridia is the name of the continent North West of here. Seridia is situated near the equator, in the northern hemisphere of Draia.New Arrivals
Yes, this is very strange. A lot of new people arrived here without knowing HOW or WHY they got here. Fortunately, Atekel is skilled in the regressive hypnosis art, so she can help you remember the things you have forgotten. I believe she can help you, as she has helped many others before you.Atekel
As I was saying, she practices regressive hypnosis, which helps you remember past events that, for some reason or another, you have forgotten. If you wish, I can give you some directions on how to find her.Directions
There are two ways of getting there. First, you will need to go to the docks. They are marked on your map (click on the map icon), so you shouldn't have any problem getting there. Then go into the boat, and off you go to Lakeside (to use the boat, stand in/near it, select the pointing finger icon, and click on the ship flag/banner).More
Once you get to Lakeside, you can either go north and enter Nordcarn, or you can take another ship (the ship south from the ship you came on) to Corren, in Desert Pines. Then take another ship (south of the ship you came with) and you will arrive at Mynadar. Then go south, and you'll arrive in Nordcarn.
As soon as you get to Nordcarn, open your map again, and go to the magic shop, which is denoted by a yellow circle, like all the magic shops. If you get lost, you can type "#beam me up" (no quote marks), and you will go back to Isla Prima.
To access the log of this conversation, select the quest log icon and, if necessary, use the up/down arrows in that menu. Note that only the important conversations will be logged, such as SOME mission objectives.