Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Item: Platinum Coins

Base Info

Platinum Coins

Once useful in EL's beginning, these became useless when the weight of coins was changed to 0. Now only possibly useful for a possible secret or two.

Weight: 0 emu

Stackable: yes

Storage: coins

Server Description: Platinum Coins are used to buy expensive stuff. Duh!

Item ID / Image ID: 133 / 100

NPC Offers

MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Desert Pines Desert PinesRouaRoua1,100 900
Isla Prima Isla PrimaRecaReca1,100 900
Morcraven Marsh Morcraven MarshRodicaRodica1,100 900
Nordcarn NordcarnOanaOana1,100 900
Portland PortlandLauraLaura1,100 900
Tarsengaard TarsengaardGhitaGhita1,100 900
Valley of the Dwarves Valley of the DwarvesValeriaValeria1,100 900
White Stone White StoneCorinaCorina1,100 900
White Stone White StoneDianaDiana1,100 900
White Stone White StoneElenaElena1,100 900
White Stone White StoneMariaMaria1,100 900
MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Aeth Aelfan Aeth AelfanCagdasCagdas1,100 900
Bethel BethelGynmorGynmor1,100 900
Emerald Valley Trade Route Emerald Valley Trade RouteVulcaVulca1,100 900
Glacmor GlacmorSpadeSpade1,100 900
Hurquin HurquinGallyanneGallyanne1,100 900
Idaloran IdaloranTermopanTermopan1,100 900
Irinveron IrinveronAlysiaAlysia1,100 900
Irsis IrsisJacintaJacinta1,100 900
Iscalrith IscalrithKerlynKerlyn1,100 900
Isle of the Forgotten Isle of the ForgottenBickBick1,100 900
North Redmoon North RedmoonRockyRocky1,100 900
Palon Vertas Palon VertasThomThom1,100 900
Sedicolis SedicolisRotisorRotisor1,100 900
South Redmoon South RedmoonWertWert1,100 900
Trassian TrassianCindyCindy1,100 900
Zirakinbar ZirakinbarGingirelGingirel1,100 900