Item: Ring of Power
Base Info

Damaged Caused on Use: 50
Cooldown on Use: 7 seconds
Weight: 1 emu
Stackable: yes
Storage: magic
Rare Chance of Making When Mixing: Ring of Damage
Server Description: If used in combat, it inflicts 50 damage on your opponent, regardless of defense.
Item ID / Image ID: 354 / 230
To Make
Skill: Crafting
Recommended Skill Level: 40
Base Experience: 500
Food Used Per Mix: 30
Required Knowledge:
Required Nexus: Artificial 4, Magic 5
MULTIPLE ITEMS: A single mix will produce 6 of this item.
1 Binding Stone
50 Death Essence
10 Ring of Damage
Total Ingredient Weight: 63 emu
Total Final Product Weight: 6 emu