Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

NPC: Ringa

Location: Isle of the Forgotten Immemor Magic Shop

Coordinates: 164, 36

Type: Ring sales

Buyer of C2 rings and seller of Anitora rings on Isle of the Forgotten.


Sells 1 item

Ring of Anitora Ring of Anitora350

Buys 16 items

Ring of Anitora Ring of Anitora175
Ring of Bethel Ring of Bethel175
Ring of Egratia Ring of Egratia175
Ring of Emerald Valley Ring of Emerald Valley175
Ring of Glacmor Ring of Glacmor175
Ring of Hulda Ring of Hulda175
Ring of Hurquin Ring of Hurquin175
Ring of Idaloran Ring of Idaloran175
Ring of Imbroglio Islands Ring of Imbroglio Islands175
Ring of Irinveron Ring of Irinveron175
Ring of Iscarlith Ring of Iscarlith175
Ring of Isle of the Forgotten Ring of Isle of the Forgotten175
Ring of Kusamura Ring of Kusamura175
Ring of Palon Vertas Ring of Palon Vertas175
Ring of Sedicolis Ring of Sedicolis175
Ring of Trassian Ring of Trassian175