Item: Toadstool
Base Info

Like bones, Toadstools can be eaten for 10 food with no cooldown. Unlike bones, you don't need a perk to eat them, but each has a 5% chance of poison.
Weight: 2 emu
Stackable: yes
Storage: flowers, food
Recommended Harvesting Level: 31
Base Harvesting Experience: 35
Base Time Between Harvests: 3 seconds
Server Description: A red mushroom. Can be eaten for 10 food points, no cooldown, 5% chance to get poisoned.
Item ID / Image ID: 505 / 316
Ways Used
Ingredient For Mixing
Harvester Medallion (20)
True Sight Potion (7)
Harvest Locations
Ruins of Tirnym Nightshade Clan's Hideout (X5) Mission Preparation Room (X6) Poison Cultivation Room (X7) (32)
Tarsengaard (14)
Valley of the Dwarves (7)
White Stone (2)
Aeth Aelfan (21)
Aeth Aelfan Lothalith Fortress (9)
Aeth Aelfan Ruby Cave (1)
Aeth Aelfan Smuggler's Cave (SC1) Abandoned House (F) (7)
Aeth Aelfan Wyrmgoth Cave (9)
Arius (58)
Bethel Water Essence Tree (A) (4)
Emerald Valley Trade Route (30)
Hurquin (23)
Hurquin Hobgoblin Cave (4)
Hurquin Magic Essence Tree (1)
Idaloran (29)
Isle of the Forgotten (2)
Isle of the Forgotten Armed Orc Room (1)
Kusamura Jungle Varyssa Temple - Entrance Hall Varyssa's Dreams (1)
Melinis (7)
Melinis Fire Essence Cave (5)
North Redmoon (40)
Palon Vertas (18)
Palon Vertas Gold Cave (1)
Palon Vertas Palon Vertas Escape Tunnels (132)
South Redmoon (32)
South Redmoon SRM Iron Cave (1)
Thelinor (5)
Trassian Big Cavern Hallway (11) Plant Testing Room 3 (28) (4)
Willowvine Forest (129)
Zirakinbar (5)
Zirakinbar South Zirakgunda Murky Cave (20)
Special Maps
Tirnym Past (1)