NPC: Wimmip
Location: Tarsengaard TG Magic School Entrance Hall Meeting Hall East Meeting Hall Hallway Animal Study Room
Coordinates: 270, 190
Start NPC for Quests:
- Wimmip's Diseased Creatures
Studying "life" in the animal studies room in the Tarsengaard Magic School.

Speak the Words
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Due to multiple options when speaking, text below may not be in comprehensive order.
A small Gnomish woman stands before you. Her face is distressingly scrunched up and her breathing seems EL-DB.comextremely labored. You wonder whether she's about to have a heart attack or needs the nearest outhouse.
Are you well?
AHHHH!! AhhhhCHOOO!! Oh goodness me oh my. I do so humbly beg your pardon. You startled me just as I was about to sneeze and then I did sneeze: what an interesting sensation...kind of irritating at first, then rather explosive, and finishing with nearly a sense of pleasure, followed strangely by a desire to wipe and blow.Is it a cold?
I'm afraid not. Rather it seems to be unseen things that my nose seems to be sensitive to. As I breathe in, I believe these invisible things irritate or tickle inside my nose forcing me to sneeze. Sometimes, I may sneeze several times in a row. And, it's possible that my sensitive nose may be detecting locations where these invisible things reside in large groupings. I call them allergens.Locations
Oh most certainly. There are many such locations where my nose is able to detect those invisible ticklers. This place is ahhhh ahhhh AHHHCHOO, pardon me, a great example. I find nose ticklers around all sorts of flowers and dry straw and hay. I even find these allergens near all kinds of animals both living and dead, but especially the kinds with feathers or fur.Who are you?
AhhhCHOO... So sorry. Please forgive my rudeness and my wet sleeve. My name is Wimmip. I'm a student of life: that is to say that I study life of all kinds: seen and unseen. Currently I'm studying "The Invisible Allergens and Their Impact on Various Life Forms through Empirical Observation". That's the name of the scientific paper I'm going to write that's going to make me a legend among other scientists.Groupings
Oh you know, swarms, hordes, crowds, throngs, flocks, packs, pods, herds. Since they're invisible, it's very difficult to determine how these things congregate together or to know what they eat, how they reproduce, whether or not they sleep, and whether or not they are intelligent. They are one of the many mysteries of life.Mysteries
Absolutely. Does ahhh ahhHH CHOO, excuse me, a bee sneeze? When I'm around flowers a lot, I sneeze. I used to study that, trying to see what a bee looks like when it sneezes, but I had to give it up. When I get stung by a bee, I start to swell up and then I find it difficult to breathe. I've had to go running several times to the nurse's office for help from that.More
Now besides locating swarms of nose ticklers and mapping their locations, I'm also tryiEL-DB.comng to study animals who encounter the swarms of nose ticklers to study their reactions.