Creature: Armed Male Orc

Attack/Defense: 75/70
Material Points: 120
Ethereal Points: 0
Respawn Time: 25 seconds
Ignore Level: 51 Defense
Achievement Level: Medium
Fighting bonus: Book of Orc Fighting
Reading this book gives a +5 critical to hit and to damage bonus when fighting this creature.
Special Creature Features
- Noob Boss - This creature randomly spawns with 20 extra material points, and has a random perk such as Mirror Skin or Self-Destruct, making it harder to kill. Noob Bosses can randomly rare drop a Random Item Giver. The extra 20 health is the only indication of a Noob Boss compared to a normal spawn.
Locations - 21
Grubani Peninsula (2)
Naralik Catacombs (2)
Southern Kilaran Field (2)
Tahraji Desert (4)
Aeth Aelfan Wyrmgoth Cave (1)
Emerald Valley Trade Route Monsters' Lair (2)
Hurquin Hurquin Crypt (3)
Idaloran Idaloran Mine (2)
Imbroglio Islands Hydro Cave (1)
Imbroglio Islands Moglo Small Cave (1)
Isle of the Forgotten Armed Orc Room (1)
Note: Counts do not include spawns that are on multiple maps, such as for quests.
Rare Drops
How to Summon
Recommended Summoning Level: 52
Base Summoning Experience: 1600
Required Animal Nexus: 4
Mana Used: 57
Required Reading: Book of Armed Male Orc Sum.
Summoned Creature's Attack:
75 * (100 + (YourSummonLevel/2))%
Summoned Creature's Defense:
70 * (50 + (YourSummonLevel/2))%
Your Charm attribute increases the critical to hit and critical to damage rates for summons, and may also cause you to summon 1 more creature than is normal.
The attack and defense shown above are estimates based on best known information.
Total Ingredient Weight: 17 emu
Can alternatively be summoned with: Armed Orc Summoning Stone