Creature: Bulangiu

Attack/Defense: 145/145
Material Points: 22,000
Ethereal Points: 0
Achievement Level: Very High
Fighting bonus: Book of Bulangiu Fighting
Reading this book gives a +5 critical to hit and to damage bonus when fighting this creature.
Special Creature Features
- Evanescence - Creature has a higher chance of dodging critical hits regardless of opponent's levels and attributes.
- Mirror Skin - Chance that a blow to the creature will get deflected back to its opponent.
- True Sight - (Invasion creatures only, not regular spawns.) The creature has the ability to see players who are Invisible due to potion or spell, and can attack them.
Rare Drops
1 Scythe
Very Rare Drops
Invasion Drops
0 to 50,000 Gold Coins
Instance Drops
0 to 77,000 Gold Coins
2 Orange