Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Item: Cactus

Base Info


Weight: 4 emu

Stackable: yes

Storage: flowers

Recommended Harvesting Level: 4

Base Harvesting Experience: 8

Base Time Between Harvests: 1 second

Tool to Harvest:
Leather Gloves Leather Gloves

Item ID / Image ID: 53 / 64

NPC Offers

MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Desert Pines Desert PinesStephanStephan1 0.5
Morcraven Marsh Morcraven MarshAncaAnca1 0.5
Nordcarn NordcarnLilianaLiliana1 0.5
Portland PortlandLenardLenard1 0.5
Portland PortlandMariusMarius1 0.5
Valley of the Dwarves Valley of the DwarvesMichaelMichael1 0.5
White Stone White StoneMarcelMarcel1 0.5
White Stone White StoneMyrlMyrl1 0.5
MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Aeth Aelfan Aeth AelfanFrostFrost1 0.5
Emerald Valley Trade Route Emerald Valley Trade RouteDarmanDarman1 0.5
Glacmor GlacmorDaraDara1 0.5
Irsis IrsisOlamOlam1 0.5
Iscalrith IscalrithKiaraKiara1 0.5
Palon Vertas Palon VertasAccizaAcciza1 0.5
South Redmoon South RedmoonRamsoRamso1 0.5
Willowvine Forest Willowvine ForestMoosericMooseric1 0.5

Ways Used

Ingredient For Mixing

Harvest Locations

