Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6


About Tailoring

Tailoring is the creation of fashionwear. With only a handful of exceptions, the results are solely decorative, something to wear to look good while you sit and mix at storage.

This is one of the most expensive skills to level, and not recommended to try until you're more advanced in game play.

Needed Nexus

No Nexus are needed for Tailoring items, with two exceptions:

  1. Cape of No More Warlock requires 4 Magic Nexus.
  2. White Wizard Hat of Life and Mana requires 5 Magic Nexus and 5 Artificial Nexus.

Leveling Tailoring

Leveling in this skill is done by mixing items.

No God: The goddess Galienne is not in the game, so you cannot worship her to get bonus experience.

Schools: There is a tailoring school (listed below) where you can mix items and get double experience, though you get no mixed product, for speed leveling.

Special Day: Day of Tailoring is a common special day since players can start it with a special stone. You can use the tailoring school on this day to get 4x your normal experience.

Special Day 2: Day of Schools is a common special day since players can start it with a special stone. You can use a tailoring school on this day to get 3x your normal experience.

Tutorial Quest: A tutorial Quest exists for Tailoring, in which you mix the majority of items in the skill from easiest to hardest for bonus experience and a special perk.

Tailoring Schools

Using a school will give you double the experience when you mix inside it. However, you will not get the item that you mixed. It's solely for experience, and can be costly. Only mix what you can afford to lose!

No Tailoring Schools on Seridia.
Glacmor - Galienne's Fashion Runway
The Tailoring school is the area with the wooden floor. Only that specific area can be used, not the full runway area.

All Mixable Items

Click the column names to select the order.

ItemRec LvlBase ExpNexus
Big Book of TailoringBig Book of Tailoring100400X
Black Baggy PantsBlack Baggy Pants53290X
Black Blue Striped Baggy PantsBlack Blue Striped Baggy Pants52280X
Black bootsBlack boots88500X
Black Buccaneer HatBlack Buccaneer Hat43200X
Black Cavalier HatBlack Cavalier Hat47245X
Black Cavalier Peacock HatBlack Cavalier Peacock Hat44220X
Black doubletBlack doublet925200X
Black DyeBlack Dye1735X
Black FabricBlack Fabric2975X
Black jacketBlack jacket925300X
Black Purple Striped Baggy PantsBlack Purple Striped Baggy Pants51270X
Black Red Striped Baggy PantsBlack Red Striped Baggy Pants48255X
Black RobeBlack Robe58330X
Black Robe SkirtBlack Robe Skirt63380X
Black ScarfBlack Scarf36100X
Black Tricorn HatBlack Tricorn Hat39180X
Black TunicBlack Tunic67420X
Black Tunic Black ShirtBlack Tunic Black Shirt72470X
Black Tunic Green ShirtBlack Tunic Green Shirt71460X
Black Tunic Purple ShirtBlack Tunic Purple Shirt71460X
Black Tunic Red ShirtBlack Tunic Red Shirt72470X
Black Tunic White ShirtBlack Tunic White Shirt70450X
Black vestBlack vest77560X
Black white dressBlack white dress82670X
Black white skirtBlack white skirt86760X
Black Wizard HatBlack Wizard Hat894000X
Blue Cavalier HatBlue Cavalier Hat46240X
Blue DyeBlue Dye1328X
Blue FabricBlue Fabric2760X
Blue green vestBlue green vest75520X
Blue RobeBlue Robe58330X
Blue Robe SkirtBlue Robe Skirt63380X
Blue Tricorn HatBlue Tricorn Hat41200X
Blue TunicBlue Tunic68430X
Blue Tunic White ShirtBlue Tunic White Shirt69440X
Brown Baggy PantsBrown Baggy Pants54300X
Brown blue peasant dressBrown blue peasant dress915000X
Brown Blue Peasant skirtBrown Blue Peasant skirt965000X
Brown bootsBrown boots88500X
Brown Buccaneer HatBrown Buccaneer Hat42190X
Brown doubletBrown doublet925200X
Brown FabricBrown Fabric3590X
Brown jacketBrown jacket935300X
Brown RobeBrown Robe59340X
Brown Robe SkirtBrown Robe Skirt64390X
Brown Tricorn HatBrown Tricorn Hat40190X
Brown TunicBrown Tunic66410X
Brown Tunic Blue ShirtBrown Tunic Blue Shirt73480X
Brown Tunic White ShirtBrown Tunic White Shirt70450X
Brown vestBrown vest78580X
Cape of No More WarlockCape of No More Warlock503500Magic 4
Gray FabricGray Fabric3370X
Gray RobeGray Robe59340X
Gray Robe SkirtGray Robe Skirt64390X
Gray Wizard HatGray Wizard Hat894000X
Green Cavalier Peacock HatGreen Cavalier Peacock Hat45240X
Green DyeGreen Dye1125X
Green FabricGreen Fabric2555X
Green jacketGreen jacket935300X
Green RobeGreen Robe56310X
Green Robe SkirtGreen Robe Skirt61360X
Green TunicGreen Tunic67420X
Green white dressGreen white dress81650X
Green white skirtGreen white skirt85740X
Lavender TunicLavender Tunic66410X
Light Blue RobeLight Blue Robe57320X
Light Blue Robe SkirtLight Blue Robe Skirt62370X
Mage Robe PantsMage Robe Pants711350X
Mage Robe ShirtMage Robe Shirt711350X
Navy doubletNavy doublet925200X
Navy jacketNavy jacket935300X
Orange DyeOrange Dye718X
Orange FabricOrange Fabric2145X
Purple DyePurple Dye1531X
Purple FabricPurple Fabric3165X
Purple peasant dressPurple peasant dress915000X
Purple Peasant skirtPurple Peasant skirt965000X
Purple RobePurple Robe56310X
Purple Robe SkirtPurple Robe Skirt61360X
Purple white dressPurple white dress79620X
Purple white skirtPurple white skirt84720X
Red DyeRed Dye515X
Red FabricRed Fabric1940X
Red pink dressRed pink dress83690X
Red pink skirtRed pink skirt87780X
Red RobeRed Robe60350X
Red Robe SkirtRed Robe Skirt65400X
Red ScarfRed Scarf37110X
Red TunicRed Tunic68430X
Red Tunic White ShirtRed Tunic White Shirt69440X
Red vestRed vest76540X
Santa HatSanta Hat802000X
Skull Crossbones ScarfSkull Crossbones Scarf38120X
Tunic of the NinjaTunic of the Ninja742000X
Universal HoodUniversal Hood741000X
White blue peasant dressWhite blue peasant dress915000X
White Blue Peasant skirtWhite Blue Peasant skirt965000X
White bootsWhite boots88500X
White doubletWhite doublet925200X
White FabricWhite Fabric19X
White gold wedding dressWhite gold wedding dress904200X
White Gold wedding skirtWhite Gold wedding skirt955500X
White red peasant dressWhite red peasant dress915000X
White Red Peasant skirtWhite Red Peasant skirt965000X
White Red Striped Baggy PantsWhite Red Striped Baggy Pants49260X
White RobeWhite Robe57320X
White Robe SkirtWhite Robe Skirt62370X
White silver wedding dressWhite silver wedding dress904200X
White Silver wedding skirtWhite Silver wedding skirt955500X
White TunicWhite Tunic68430X
White Wizard HatWhite Wizard Hat894000X
White Wizard Hat of Life and ManaWhite Wizard Hat of Life and Mana10010054Artificial 5, Magic 5
Yellow DyeYellow Dye922X
Yellow FabricYellow Fabric2350X
Yellow RobeYellow Robe60350X
Yellow Robe SkirtYellow Robe Skirt65400X
ItemRec LvlBase ExpNexus