EL-DB site data will be updated soon with 1.9.7 changes.
Keep in mind that no 1.9.7 changes are shown here yet.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Creature: White Tiger

White Tiger

Attack/Defense: 75/75

Material Points: 75

Ethereal Points: 0 - 45

Respawn Time: 41 seconds

Achievement Level: Medium

Passive Creature, does not attack.

Special Creature Features

  • Cooldown - Chance of resetting the opponents item cooldowns to maximum. (Can possibly be avoided by Mana Draining the creature first.)

Locations - 9


Note: Counts do not include spawns that are on multiple maps, such as for quests.


Rare Drops

How to Summon

Tiger Summoning Stone Tiger Summoning Stone