Creature: Castellan

Attack/Defense: 170/110
Material Points: 32,000
Ethereal Points: 0
Achievement Level: Very High
Special Creature Features
- Mirror Skin - Chance that a blow to the creature will get deflected back to its opponent.
- I Glow in the Dark - Creature causes additional radiation damage to an opponent each time the opponent hits or is hit.
- Item User - Creature can use items in its inventory, with no cooldown between uses.
- Weapon User - Creature can use any weapons it has in inventory (see its drop list). The weapons may be broken while creature uses them and thus may not drop.
- Summon Helpers - Creature will at various times summon groups of other creatures to attack its opponents. Summons are done at intervals based on creature's material points.
Special Behaviors
The Castellan can use GHPs and Poison Antidotes as needed, and has Point Defense to reduce ranging damage.
Because of GHPs and Staff of Protection, the Castellan's actual health total is normally closer to 72,000.
When Castellan's health is reduced to certain numbers, it will spawn creatures:
Remember that the spawned Giants can also spawn 2 Black Bears each.
Rare Drops
Invasion Drops
150,000 to 350,000 Gold Coins
Instance Drops
200,000 to 835,000 Gold Coins
4 to 7 Orange
Instance Rare

1 Random Special Day Stone