Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Item: Warm Fur Gloves

Base Info

Warm Fur Gloves

Weight: 1 emu

Stackable: no

Storage: clothes

Server Description: +1 cold protect, +1 armor

Item ID / Image ID: 89 / 82

When Worn

Wear Slot: Both Hands

Break Chance on Being Hit in Combat: High

Cold Protection: +1

Armor: +1

To Make

Skill: Manufacturing

Recommended Skill Level: 0

(Items with rec level of 0 will not fail, but also will not give double exp in schools.)

Base Experience: 5

Food Used Per Mix: 1

Required Knowledge:

Required Nexus: none

Tools for Mixing:
Needle Needle


Total Ingredient Weight: 5 emu

NPC Offers

MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Desert Pines Desert PinesStephanStephan7.5
Morcraven Marsh Morcraven MarshAncaAnca7.5
Nordcarn NordcarnLilianaLiliana7.5
Portland PortlandLenardLenard7.5
Portland PortlandMariusMarius7.5
Valley of the Dwarves Valley of the DwarvesMichaelMichael7.5
White Stone White StoneMarcelMarcel7.5
White Stone White StoneMyrlMyrl7.5
MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Aeth Aelfan Aeth AelfanFrostFrost7.5
Emerald Valley Trade Route Emerald Valley Trade RouteDarmanDarman7.5
Glacmor GlacmorDaraDara7.5
Irsis IrsisOlamOlam7.5
Iscalrith IscalrithKiaraKiara7.5
Palon Vertas Palon VertasAccizaAcciza7.5
South Redmoon South RedmoonRamsoRamso7.5
Willowvine Forest Willowvine ForestMoosericMooseric7.5

In Comparison

Due to size, this table is best viewed on a larger screen

Comparison tables can be sorted by clicking on column titles.

Two-Handed Weapons

ItemAvg DmgDmg MinDmg MaxRad DmgAvg ArmArm MinArm MaxCold ProtHeat ProtMag ProtRad ProtMag ResDefAccCrit DmgCrit Hit+MP+EP
Dragon Blade Dragon Blade30253500000000003332020
Dragon Blade of Mirroring Dragon Blade of Mirroring30253500000000003332020
Halberd Halberd5040600000000000-25000
Halberd of action Halberd of action5040600000000000-25000
Leather Gloves Leather Gloves111011100000000000
Quarterstaff Quarterstaff10.561500000000046-4500
Scythe Scythe403545500000000055500
Spear Spear401070000000000-2-120000
Staff of Protection Staff of Protection15.51021022222222762300
Staff of the action mage Staff of the action mage17.51520000000000561300
Staff of the mage Staff of the mage17.51520000000000561300
Warm Fur Gloves Warm Fur Gloves 000011110000000000
Wooden Staff Wooden Staff621000000000034-5300
ItemAvg DmgDmg MinDmg MaxRad DmgAvg ArmArm MinArm MaxCold ProtHeat ProtMag ProtRad ProtMag ResDefAccCrit DmgCrit Hit+MP+EP