Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Item: Ice arrows

Base Info

Ice arrows

Weight: 2 emu

Stackable: yes

Storage: weapons

Server Description: 40 cold damage, inaccurate, very slow to reload!

Item ID / Image ID: 890 / 597

When Worn

Wear Slot: Shield/Arrow hand

Break Chance on Hit in Combat: Very Easily Breaks

Missile Accuracy: -15

Cold Damage: +40

Accuracy: -25

Defense: -30

Critical to Hit: -15

Light Modifier: +3

To Make

Skill: Engineering

Recommended Skill Level: 33

Base Experience: 2,100

Food Used Per Mix: 20

Required Knowledge:
Book of Ice arrows Book of Ice arrows

Required Nexus: Artificial 2

MULTIPLE ITEMS: A single mix will produce 60 of this item.

Tools for Mixing:
Carving Knife Carving Knife


Total Ingredient Weight: 201 emu

Total Final Product Weight: 120 emu

NPC Offers

MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Morcraven Marsh Morcraven MarshBowerBower90 45
MapNPC Sells forBuys at
Irinveron IrinveronArcusArcus90 45

In Comparison

Due to size, this table is best viewed on a larger screen

Comparison tables can be sorted by clicking on column titles.

Shields and Arrows

ItemCold DmgHeat DmgMag DmgMag ProtMag ResDefAccCrit HitMis Prot
Blue Dragon Shield Blue Dragon Shield000608002
Bronze Shield Bronze Shield000048-2-15
Custom Shield Custom Shield000003000
Enhanced Wooden Shield Enhanced Wooden Shield000005-1-10
Fire arrows Fire arrows035000-30-25-150
Fire bolts Fire bolts010000-30-15-150
Ice arrows Ice arrows 400000-30-25-150
Ice bolts Ice bolts100000-30-15-150
Iron Shield Iron Shield000006-2-20
Magic arrows Magic arrows001500-30-25-150
Magic bolts Magic bolts001000-30-15-150
Steel Shield Steel Shield000407-2-20
Titanium Shield Titanium Shield000408000
Titanium Shield of Life Drain Titanium Shield of Life Drain000408000
Used Blue Dragon Shield Used Blue Dragon Shield000607002
Used Titanium Shield Used Titanium Shield000408000
Wooden Shield Wooden Shield000004-1-10
ItemCold DmgHeat DmgMag DmgMag ProtMag ResDefAccCrit HitMis Prot