Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6

Creature: Troll


Attack/Defense: 60/25

Material Points: 85

Ethereal Points: 0

Respawn Time: 27 seconds

Ignore Level: 99 Combat Level (approximate)
The exact way to determine combat level is unknown. All are best guesses.

Achievement Level: Medium

Fighting bonus:
Book of Troll Fighting Book of Troll Fighting

Reading this book gives a +5 critical to hit and to damage bonus when fighting this creature.

Locations - 14



Note: Counts do not include spawns that are on multiple maps, such as for quests.


Gold Coins
0 to 35 Gold Coins

Rare Drops

Very Rare Drops