Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6


About Crafting

Crafting is the creation of medallions that can be worn for various benefits, teleportaion rings, and a handful of other odds and ends.

Needed Nexus

Unlike other skills, even the lowest level items require Nexus.

Artificial - You'll need at least 1 Artificial Nexus to do any crafting. Up to 7 can be needed.

Magic - To mix teleport rings, the most common crafting item, you'll need 1 Magic Nexus. You'll need up to 5 for some higher level items.

Most every item starting with Seridia teleport rings and higher requires a combination of both Nexus types.

Leveling Crafting

Leveling in this skill is done by mixing items.

God: You can get up to 16% additional experience while mixing if you worship Zarin, the crafting goddess.

Schools: There are crafting schools (listed below) where you can mix items and get double experience, though you get no mixed product, for speed leveling.

Special Day: Day of Schools is a common special day since players can start it with a special stone. You can use a crafting school on this day to get 3x your normal experience.

Tutorial Quest: A tutorial Quest exists for Crafting, in which you mix almost every item in the skill from easiest to hardest for bonus experience.

Crafting Schools

Using a school will give you double the experience when you mix inside it. However, you will not get the item that you mixed. It's solely for experience, and can be costly. Only mix what you can afford to lose!

Desert Pines - Jewels and Gems Crafting School
Located in Evergreen Woods, many have gotten their crafting start by harvesting cotton nearby, taking it to this school to mix thread.
You can also mix in the two side rooms here.
Tarsengaard - Jewel Academy
Next to the water, east of storage.
You can also mix within the school's storage room.
Glacmor - Skill Academy
On the East side of Glacmor. The crafting school is in the building on the west side, opposite the storage NPC.
Irsis - School of the Exquisite Adornment
A building by itself in the very north part of Thasendel Woods.

All Mixable Items

Click the column names to select the order.

ItemRec LvlBase ExpArti
Arrow/bolt head moldArrow/bolt head mold70120070
Big Book of CraftingBig Book of Crafting10037020
Blank paperBlank paper7637030
Crown of LifeCrown of Life61105055
Crown of ManaCrown of Mana60100055
Empty VialEmpty Vial143010
Enhanced Iron CuissesEnhanced Iron Cuisses4560043
Enhanced Iron GreaveEnhanced Iron Greave4150043
Enhanced Iron Plate MailEnhanced Iron Plate Mail53100043
Enhanced Sun MedallionEnhanced Sun Medallion8047052
Enhanced Unicorn MedallionEnhanced Unicorn Medallion7845052
Gatherer MedallionGatherer Medallion68120042
Gold MedallionGold Medallion73510
Gold RingGold Ring11410
Harvester MedallionHarvester Medallion4340042
Heavenspawn MedallionHeavenspawn Medallion4745032
Medallion of LifeMedallion of Life51100042
Medallion of ManaMedallion of Mana72200042
Moon MedallionMoon Medallion2410032
Polished DiamondPolished Diamond166530
Polished EmeraldPolished Emerald125020
Polished RubyPolished Ruby94020
Polished SapphirePolished Sapphire146020
Quill and inkQuill and ink7535030
Red Dragon Helm Of Life and ManaRed Dragon Helm Of Life and Mana90300055
Ring of AnitoraRing of Anitora3013041
Ring of BethelRing of Bethel3415041
Ring of DamageRing of Damage2611033
Ring of Desert PinesRing of Desert Pines229031
Ring of DisengagementRing of Disengagement2711533
Ring of EgratiaRing of Egratia4219041
Ring of Emerald ValleyRing of Emerald Valley6029041
Ring of GlacmorRing of Glacmor5828041
Ring of HuldaRing of Hulda4822041
Ring of HurquinRing of Hurquin5627041
Ring of IdaloranRing of Idaloran3214041
Ring of Imbroglio IslandsRing of Imbroglio Islands5425041
Ring of IrinveronRing of Irinveron4621041
Ring of IscarlithRing of Iscarlith4420041
Ring of Isla PrimaRing of Isla Prima177031
Ring of Isle of the ForgottenRing of Isle of the Forgotten5224041
Ring of KusamuraRing of Kusamura4018041
Ring of Mana DestructionRing of Mana Destruction4922543
Ring of Massive Mana DestructionRing of Massive Mana Destruction5730055
Ring of MelinisRing of Melinis3917541
Ring of Morcraven MarshRing of Morcraven Marsh3510041
Ring of NaralikRing of Naralik198031
Ring of Palon VertasRing of Palon Vertas3817041
Ring of PortlandRing of Portland218531
Ring of PowerRing of Power4050045
Ring of SedicolisRing of Sedicolis3616041
Ring of SRMRing of SRM3716541
Ring of TrassianRing of Trassian5023041
Ring of Valley of the DwarvesRing of Valley of the Dwarves187531
Ring of White StoneRing of White Stone208231
Saving StoneSaving Stone65100075
Silver MedallionSilver Medallion52510
Silver RingSilver Ring31810
Stars MedallionStars Medallion2510532
Sun MedallionSun Medallion239532
Unicorn MedallionUnicorn Medallion239532
ItemRec LvlBase ExpArti