Data on this site does not include 1.9.7 changes.
The site is planned to be updated (with some downtime) around mid-March.
The Unofficial Eternal Lands Database
Client version 1.9.6


About Manufacturing

Manufacturing is the creation of armor and weapons, along with a few other miscellaneous items.

Needed Nexus

A handful of low-level items require no nexus, so you can get started in the skill without any pickpoints.

Artificial - You'll need at least 1 Artificial Nexus and up 6 in order to mix things at higher levels.

Magic - These are only necessary for mixing Enchanted Weapons, and you'll need 5 Magic Nexus for those. Don't get these nexus unless you're certain you want to mix those particular swords.

Leveling Manufacturing

Leveling in this skill is done by mixing items.

God: You can get up to 20% additional experience while mixing if you worship Glilin, the manufacturing god.

Schools: There are manufacturing schools (listed below) where you can mix items and get double experience, though you get no mixed product, for speed leveling.

Special Day: Day of Manufacturing doesn't happen often, but when it does, you can get double your normal manufacturing experience. Using a school on this day will give you 4x your normal experience.

Special Day 2: Day of Schools is a common special day since players can start it with a special stone. You can use a manufacturing school on this day to get 3x your normal experience.

Tutorial Quest: A tutorial Quest exists for Manufacturing, in which you mix the majority of items in the skill from easiest to hardest for bonus experience and a special perk.

Manufacturing Schools

Using a school will give you double the experience when you mix inside it. However, you will not get the item that you mixed. It's solely for experience, and can be costly. Only mix what you can afford to lose!

Portland - Manufacturing School
Located to the west, south of the Titanium Mine.
White Stone - Militia Supplies Blacksmithing School
At the southern end of Lakeside Village.
Irinveron - Fisher's Forge Manu School
Just a bit north of storage. Wear a piece of leather, the school is chilly.
North Redmoon - Blacksmithing school
North end of the map, it has 2 entrances.
Willowvine Forest - Skill Academy - Manufacturing School
A room inside the school, easy to use without having to close your storage.
Just a few steps from storage is the Watermorg Smithy which is a manufacturing school. This is the best option, but be warned that it is outside, so at night you risk an attack from Leonard.

All Mixable Items

Click the column names to select the order.

ItemRec LvlBase ExpArti
Augmented Leather ArmorAugmented Leather Armor199510
Augmented Leather PantsAugmented Leather Pants178510
Big Book of ManufacturingBig Book of Manufacturing10040020
Black Dragon CuissesBlack Dragon Cuisses74440060
Black Dragon GreaveBlack Dragon Greave72430060
Black Dragon HelmBlack Dragon Helm76420060
Black Dragon MailBlack Dragon Mail81550060
Blue Dragon CuissesBlue Dragon Cuisses93620060
Blue Dragon GreaveBlue Dragon Greave91600060
Blue Dragon HelmBlue Dragon Helm97700060
Blue Dragon MailBlue Dragon Mail95750060
Blue Dragon ShieldBlue Dragon Shield94650060
Blue dragon swordBlue dragon sword92610060
Bronze CuissesBronze Cuisses63300050
Bronze GreaveBronze Greave61250060
Bronze HelmBronze Helm57120050
Bronze Plate MailBronze Plate Mail64350060
Bronze ShieldBronze Shield59200060
Bronze SwordBronze Sword78450060
Dragon BladeDragon Blade75400060
Eagle WingEagle Wing48370060
Emerald ClaymoreEmerald Claymore40300060
Fox ScarfFox Scarf31200
Frying PanFrying Pan2715030
Fur BootsFur Boots125510
Fur CloakFur Cloak63000
Fur HatFur Hat52500
Fur PantsFur Pants2011020
Fur TorsoFur Torso2214020
Ice Dragon CuissesIce Dragon Cuisses80520060
Ice Dragon GreaveIce Dragon Greave77500060
Ice Dragon HelmIce Dragon Helm83500060
Ice Dragon MailIce Dragon Mail87650060
Iron AxeIron Axe4020050
Iron Broad SwordIron Broad Sword2211020
Iron Broad Sword of FireIron Broad Sword of Fire46250045
Iron Broad Sword of IceIron Broad Sword of Ice47280045
Iron Chain MailIron Chain Mail2613020
Iron CuissesIron Cuisses3020040
Iron GreaveIron Greave2518040
Iron HelmIron Helm2914230
Iron Plate MailIron Plate Mail4025050
Iron ShieldIron Shield168020
Iron SwordIron Sword2010020
Iron Sword of FireIron Sword of Fire45200045
Jagged SaberJagged Saber52400060
Leather BootsLeather Boots105010
Leather GlovesLeather Gloves84000
Leather HelmLeather Helm104520
Leather PantsLeather Pants126010
Medallion MoldMedallion Mold157010
Mortar & PestleMortar & Pestle178010
Orc SlayerOrc Slayer46360060
Padded Leather ArmorPadded Leather Armor147010
Raccoon hatRaccoon hat73400
Radioactive RapierRadioactive Rapier89600060
Radioactive Titanium Long SwordRadioactive Titanium Long Sword85500060
Red Dragon CuissesRed Dragon Cuisses68400060
Red Dragon GreaveRed Dragon Greave65370060
Red Dragon HelmRed Dragon Helm70420060
Red Dragon MailRed Dragon Mail73460060
Ring MoldRing Mold136510
Skunk hatSkunk hat63100
Steel AxeSteel Axe4524050
Steel Chain MailSteel Chain Mail3015030
Steel CuissesSteel Cuisses4390040
Steel GreaveSteel Greave4170040
Steel HelmSteel Helm47130030
Steel Long SwordSteel Long Sword2412030
Steel Long Sword of FireSteel Long Sword of Fire48300055
Steel Long Sword of IceSteel Long Sword of Ice49320055
Steel Long Sword of MagicSteel Long Sword of Magic50340055
Steel Plate MailSteel Plate Mail60260060
Steel ShieldSteel Shield189020
Steel Two Edged SwordSteel Two Edged Sword2814030
Steel Two Edged Sword of FireSteel Two Edged Sword of Fire51360055
Steel Two Edged Sword of IceSteel Two Edged Sword of Ice51360055
Steel Two Edged Sword of MagicSteel Two Edged Sword of Magic52380055
Steel Two Edged Sword of ThermalSteel Two Edged Sword of Thermal53400055
Titanium AxeTitanium Axe49150050
Titanium Chain MailTitanium Chain Mail3620050
Titanium CuissesTitanium Cuisses58240050
Titanium GreaveTitanium Greave56220050
Titanium HelmTitanium Helm54200050
Titanium Plate MailTitanium Plate Mail62280060
Titanium Serpent SwordTitanium Serpent Sword3830050
Titanium ShieldTitanium Shield45110020
Titanium/Steel Alloy Long SwordTitanium/Steel Alloy Long Sword3418050
Titanium/Steel Alloy Short SwordTitanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword3216040
Titanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of FireTitanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of Fire64400065
Titanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of IceTitanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of Ice67400065
Titanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of MagicTitanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of Magic69420065
Titanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of ThermalTitanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword of Thermal70450065
Vial MoldVial Mold31150030
Warm Fur GlovesWarm Fur Gloves0500
ItemRec LvlBase ExpArti